
We Create the Content that Will Sell Your Products and Services.

At Boutique Marketing Group we have a philosophy about what makes a profitable and sustainable company:


  • Do the Right Thing
  • Make Every Word Count
  • Be Authentic

To Your Success

Do the right thing, and profits follow.

Many companies and the individuals that run them, believe that they can only be successful at the expense of others.

At Boutique Marketing Group, we call this attrition thinking.

Business built on this philosophy will have a difficult time with the emerging technologies that are built on sharing. Their content will be spammy, inauthentic, and manipulative. In other words a complete turn-off to today’s buyer.

Social media has created an atmosphere where success comes from sharing information and partnering with buyers.

Long term loyalty arises, not because their father’s father bought a product, but because the individual has a positive relationship with the company, product, or brand.

The new model of success is focused on integrity and creating meaningful relations through customer satisfaction.

Doing the right things well has a ripple effect that extends beyond company profitability. Focusing on your success (rather than on the failure of others) will have a positive effect on the lives of your employees, their families, and the community at large.


Make every word count.

The people at Boutique Marketing Group like to read. We enjoy and appreciate well written, thoughtful, compelling, and entertaining content and we strive to provide that for you, our customer.

But we also understand the value of utilizing good research and the necessity to continue to hone the craft of copywriting. For this reason we stay well informed with all of the latest research and take continuing education courses in the areas of creative writing and copywriting.


Be Authentic.

We nurture business growth through authentic interactions with our clients and customers; and we encourage authenticity in our clients marketing campaigns as well.

We want your brand voice to come through in everything we create for you.


Contact us today to discuss your business needs and goals.  We are excited to work with you.

Krista Magidson, Chief Content Creator for Boutique Marketing Group