Creative Services

We write quality content and provide content marketing services for Professional  and Business Service Providers.

Content that Sells

To attract your ideal client, source credible leads, increase sales, and enhance your current client relationships, we’ve created a comprehensive marketing schematic called: Engagement by Design.

Engagement by Design includes:

  1.  A one-to-one marketing consult  where we will look at your overall marketing and branding plan, then give you a detailed  report that will augment your strengths and minimize weaknesses.
  2. Website optimization report  and well written branded content that will help you to improve your website ranking, minimize bounce rates, and maximize conversion rates.
  3. Social media optimization report, customer service consultation, and writing services that will help you to identify the right online and offline channels that will get the SMAART Buyer excited about your products and services.
  4. Creating an editorial schedule that will help save you time and money.
  5. Implementing a client conversion pathway that includes email and newsletter marketing, ghost written blog posts, and other online and offline information products that will lead the customer to the sale.
At Boutique Marketing Group we know that you need branded content that sells your product or service, and that’s what we provide.

Contact us today,

Krista Arthur-Magidson
Krista Magidson
Chief Content Creator for Boutique Marketing Group


Engagement By Design Includes:

1. A Marketing Consult, Analysis, and Report;  A Road Map for Your Journey

To help you effectively target your ideal client,  a content marketing specialist will determine the effectiveness of your company’s overall current marketing strategy.

Together we will identify your current strengths and weaknesses on your website, on social media, in your direct marketing materials, and in your email marketing campaigns.

Then you will receive a comprehensive detailed report that will outline how to augment and improve your company’s total marketing message.
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2. Website Optimization Report.

Phase 1: Are you getting the right amount of traffic to your website? Do you have high bounce rates and low conversion rates? At Boutique Marketing Group a marketing specialist will analyze your current website. Then, you will receive a detailed report on how to eliminate the weaknesses of your site and improve your websites SMAART Buyer performance.

Phase 2: Next, we will write strategic, creative, and SMAART Buyer optimized web content for your website. This will improve bounce rates, increase customer retention, and company profitability.

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3. Identify and optimize which social media channels are best suited to drive traffic to your site and provide customer service support and training where necessary.

Understanding how to optimize and use social media to drive sales is problematic for most companies. At Boutique Marketing group we understand that:

  • Not all social media channels are right for your business. The key to a successful social media campaign is to identify which channels will maximize brand exposure to your key audience, thereby minimizing inefficiency.
  • A “soft-sell” approach to social media is the best approach.. The SMAART and Discerning Buyer doesn’t want to be “told or sold,” they want to be educated and entertained.
  • You need to have fun and be creative. Fun and enthusiasm are the hallmarks of building credibility. Credibility is what engages and converts the SMAART Buyer.
  • You can save money and time by using social media wisely.  Social media’s best use is to source credible leads, enhance brand awareness, and make quick announcements.
  • You need to determine how much and how often to post. Right frequency and a personal tone is crucial to success.
  • You need a trained staff to handle your social media campaign.  Because the SMAART Buyer will use your companies social media channels for customer service support, we can provide insight into how to handle customer service issues effectively and appropriately.

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4. Editorial Schedule:

One of the problems that most business have with their online presence is deciding what to post, where to post, and posting regularly. Many companies have a similar issue with content and timing for their direct marketing efforts.

At Boutique Marketing Group, our marketing specialists will work with you to create a comprehensive and strategic editorial schedule that will synchronize both your online and offline marketing efforts. We will deliver:

  • Quality content
  • Strategically timed
  • Targeted to the right channels.

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5. Client Conversion Pathway.

A client conversion pathway will source credible leads and convert those leads into sales by utilizing:

  • Email opt-ins
  • Information products like white papers and ebooks
  • Online and offline newsletters
  • Email campaigns
  • Brochures
  • Direct Mail

All marketers know that the first two components of the buying cycle, one the buyer identifies a need and two, the buyer will implement a search to fulfill that need.

However, today’s buyers will not just “search” for the product or service, they’ll research it thoroughly as well.

The more complex the product or service the more research they will do.

To help your ideal client make intelligent choices and alleviate the risk of purchasing, you need to develop a rapport with your buyer that will enhance your companies credibility and trustworthiness. You do this buy providing well-written, intelligent, and credible copy that is both easy to find and delivered in a timely manner.

We can help you do just that.

The Engagement by Design conversion pathway is a fool-proof framework that will:

  • Attract , Engage, Convert , and Retain the smart and discerning buyer
  • Make You More Money.

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Contact us today, we’d love to work with you,

Krista Arthur-Magidson
Krista Magidson
Chief Content Creator for Boutique Marketing Group

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