5 Landing Page Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Landing Page Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

So you’ve created an amazing email campaign to sell your product or services. You’ve captivated your audience with a snappy subject line, intrigued them with your lead, and now you’re ready to take them to your landing page and ask for the sale.

Your email ends with “to learn more about this exciting opportunity, click here.”

You check the analytics and you have 15% click throughs, but hardly any sales.

Imagine, all that time and effort wasted…not to mention your product is gathering dust on the shelf. What went wrong?

Here are 5 landing page mistakes that sap your sales, and how to avoid them.

1. You took your visitor back to your homepage or a similarly designed page on your website. The last thing you want to do is distract your visitor with navigation links that take them to other places in the site, or with pictures of unrelated products. Instead design a clean, dedicated page that keeps them focused.


Example Landing Page from AWAI Online


2. You gave them too many options. If you’re selling your new coaching program, then don’t write about the five other coaching programs you offer on that page. Your landing page is not a product or service catalogue. Instead keep your landing page to one product offering at a time. If you have good rapport with your clients then you’ll have other opportunities to sell more products and services.

3. You assumed the sale instead of asking for the sale. People need to be told exactly what to do when they come to your landing page. So when you start crafting your landing page copy, think about the action you want your visitor to take. Do you want them to purchase your software program, an e-book, or set an appointment? Don’t assume they’ll call you, tell them to call you.

landing page, make a strong offer

Example Landing Page from Insanity Workout.

4. Your copy was inconsistent. Consistency builds credibility. Remember the awesome email series you created? Make sure that the tone and subject of your emails match with the tone, subject, and headline of your landing page. If you’ve intrigued your prospect by telling them the story “You can lose 10lbs in three days” but the headline of your landing page says, “Marathon Training Made Easy” then you’ve confused your prospect, and lost the sale.

5. You made a weak offer. It’s your job to make the prospect feel that the purchase they’re making is risk free. The last thing anyone wants to feel is foolish. So by offering a money back guarantee, an easy payment plan, and a couple of bonuses you’ll reassure your prospect; you’ll also give them the feeling that you believe enough in your service or product to make such a bold offer.

By avoiding these common mistakes you will craft winning landing pages and increase your online conversion rates. Yay!

Krista Magidson Chief Content Creator is the Chief Content Creator at BoutiqueMarketingGroup.com

Krista helps entrepreneurs and small and medium sized business owners:
Get clarity on their marketing message, attract their ideal clients, customers, or patients to their business or practice, and create elegant and effective content for their websites, email campaigns, newsletter, brochures, videos, and more…

Contact her today for a free no-obligation 30 minute consultation at moreinfo@nullboutiquemarketinggroup.com