How to Inject Good Salesmanship into Your Content

It’s 12 PM on Friday and I’m at home writing when I hear a polite knock on the front door.

Since the UPS guy pounds on the door and runs, I know that a “knock”  means that either the Jehovah Witnesses have come by to drop off a pamphlet and say, “hello” or someone is selling something.

I peek out the window and I see two attractive women, one mid–aged the other about 10 years younger.   I open the door and notice that both women are wearing a blue “Walter Hoving Home,” t-shirt.

They are looking for donations and immediately my defenses go up. That is, until I hear a little of her story.

The older woman introduces herself and her companion and says that she has been in the program for 6 months and how it’s helped her.  I can’t help but think that she is an excellent representation of the work at the shelter.

But I have an objection, “I like to support local shelters and you aren’t local.”

She replies, “We have two women who are from this area and they were the ones who got the license to sell here. And we accept anyone from anywhere.”


Copywriters, content marketers, SEO specialists, and social media specialists talk a lot about conversion rates but rarely do they discuss the basic tenets of good salesmanship.

Nor do they discuss how to inject good salesmanship into their content marketing campaigns.

I imagine it’s because most copywriters and marketers have never “carried a bag” (a term for being an outside sales person).

A great salesperson is a good psychologist.  She is compassionate, knowledgeable, focused on her customers’ needs rather than her own, anticipates objections, and has good follow-through.

Content that sells has the same elements:

  1. An appropriate voice (not just a brand voice) and story that will connect with the reader.
  2. Understands and speaks to the needs of the reader.
  3. Has appropriate factual content.
  4. Anticipates objections.
  5. Follow’s through by providing other information, links, contact information that would be useful to the customer.

By: Krista Magidson, Chief Content Creator for Boutique Marketing Group

Contact Krista at [email protected]